Today is my birthday but it is also the day I was cruelly abandoned by my own mother

Sara Kome Mrs

Mila was a small, fluffy puppy with big, brown eyes. She had been abandoned by her mother when she was just a few weeks old, left to fend for herself in the harsh world. Today was her first birthday, a day she had imagined would be filled with joy and celebration. But instead, she was alone, feeling lost and scared.

Mila wandered the streets, her tiny paws barely making a sound. She looked up at the people passing by, hoping someone would notice her, but they were all too busy to pay attention. She was hungry, cold, and desperately lonely.

As the sun began to set, Mila curled up in a cardboard box she had found behind a dumpster. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a different life, a life with a warm home and a loving family. But the image was quickly replaced by the harsh reality of her situation.

Just as Mila was about to give up hope, she heard a faint sound. She pricked up her ears and listened intently. It was the sound of a car approaching. As the car came closer, Mila saw a woman getting out. She knelt down beside her and gently stroked Mila’s head.

“Hello there, little one,” the woman said, her voice filled with kindness. “Are you lost?”

Mila wagged her tail hopefully. The woman picked her up and carried her to her car. She took Mila home and gave her a warm bath, a belly full of food, and a soft bed to sleep in.

From that day forward, Mila had a loving home and a family who cared for her. But even though she was happy and safe, she couldn’t shake the sadness of being abandoned by her mother. On her birthday, she would often look up at the stars and wonder where her mom was.

Despite her loneliness, Mila was grateful for the love and care she had received. She knew she was lucky to have found a family who loved her, even if she would always miss her mother.
