Today is my birthday but I feel so sad because no one remembers it

Sara Kome Mrs

Louie was a small, fluffy puppy with big, brown eyes. Today was his first birthday, a day he had been looking forward to for weeks. He had imagined balloons, birthday cake, and lots of belly rubs from his human, Emily. But as the day wore on, Louie started to feel a little lonely.

He waited by the door, his tail thumping excitedly, hoping to hear a familiar voice. Emily was usually the first to greet him with a happy birthday song and a special treat. But hours turned into days, and still, no one came.

Louie curled up in his favorite spot, his big, brown eyes filled with sadness. He missed Emily’s warm hugs and the playful games they used to have. The house felt quiet and empty without her.

As the sun began to set, Louie decided to take a walk. He wandered through the park, sniffing the sweet scent of flowers and listening to the birds chirping. As he walked, he couldn’t help but feel a little lost.
