Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Sara Kome Mrs

Sam was a loyal and loving dog, but today was a particularly sad day for him. It was his birthday, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of loneliness. He’d been waiting all morning for someone to remember his special day, but so far, there had been no signs of celebration.

Sam wandered around the house, his tail drooping. He peered into the kitchen, hoping for a special treat, but the cupboards were bare. He sat by the front door, his ears perked up, listening for the familiar sound of his owner’s car pulling into the driveway. But no one came.

As the day wore on, Sam’s spirits sank lower. He curled up in his favorite spot on the couch, his head resting on his paws. He closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to have someone remember his birthday. Maybe they would throw him a party, with balloons and cake and lots of belly rubs.

Just as Sam was about to give up hope, he heard a faint sound. It was the jingle of a dog collar. He looked up to see his neighbor, Emily, walking her dog, Max.

“Happy birthday, Sam!” Emily exclaimed, giving him a big scratch behind the ears. “I couldn’t forget your special day.”

Sam’s tail wagged excitedly as Emily pulled a small birthday cake out of her bag. It was a tiny, homemade treat, but it was the best present Sam had ever received.

As Emily and Max sat with Sam on the porch, enjoying the afternoon sunshine, Sam realized that even though no one in his family had remembered his birthday, he still had friends who cared about him. And that was more important than any gift or celebration.
