Birthdays are lonely when I don’t have a single birthday greeting

Sara Kome Mrs

Lucky was a small, scruffy terrier with a heart of gold. Despite his name, he often felt anything but lucky. Today was his birthday, a day he’d been looking forward to for weeks. He’d hoped for a special treat, a birthday party, or maybe even a new toy. But as the day wore on, his excitement began to dwindle.

The house was eerily quiet. No one came to wish him a happy birthday, no one brought him a gift. He wandered through the house, his tail drooping sadly. He sniffed at his empty food bowl and looked longingly out the window. He felt so alone and unwanted.

Just as Lucky was about to give up hope, he heard a faint scratching sound at the door. His heart raced with excitement as he jumped up and barked. The door creaked open, and there stood a small, scruffy dog. The dog’s name was Shadow, and he was a stray who had been hanging around the neighborhood.

Shadow padded over to Lucky and wagged his tail. “Happy birthday,” he said, his voice soft. “I heard you were feeling lonely.”

Lucky’s eyes filled with tears of gratitude. He had never had a friend before. As he and Shadow played together in the backyard, Lucky realized that luck wasn’t about receiving gifts or attention. It was about having someone to share your life with. And in Shadow, he had found a friend who loved him unconditionally.
