Today is my birthday but I just had to go to the hospital to get my leg in a cast

Sara Kome Mrs

Hanie was a playful puppy with a heart of gold. He loved chasing squirrels, playing fetch, and snuggling up on the couch with his human family. But today was different. Today was Hanie’s birthday, and he wasn’t feeling quite himself.

His leg had been bothering him for a few days, and it was getting worse. His human parents took him to the vet, who diagnosed a sprain. Hanie was sad to miss his birthday party, but he knew that his health was more important.

At the hospital, the vet was gentle and kind. Hanie didn’t like the feeling of the cold cast on his leg, but he knew it was necessary to help him heal. His human parents promised to bring him his favorite toy and a special birthday treat when they picked him up.

As Hanie waited for his parents, he thought about all the fun things he would do when his leg was better. He couldn’t wait to go for a long walk in the park, play fetch in the backyard, and snuggle up on the couch with his family.

When his parents finally arrived, Hanie was so happy to see them. They gave him his favorite toy and a delicious birthday cake. Hanie ate the cake with gusto, even though his leg was still a little sore.

As he lay down for a nap that evening, Hanie couldn’t help but smile. Even though his birthday hadn’t gone exactly as planned, it was still a special day. He had received lots of love and attention from his family, and he knew that his leg would heal soon.
