I have been wandering the streets for 4 years. Until today, my 4th birthday, I still have not received a single birthday greeting.

Sara Kome Mrs

Maika didn’t know his exact age, but he guessed it was around four. Four years of hunger, cold, and the relentless pursuit of survival. He was a street dog, a creature of instinct and resilience. Today, a day that should have been marked by celebration for other dogs, was for him just another day of struggle.

He remembered fragments of a life before the streets, a time of warmth and comfort. But these memories were fading, replaced by the harsh realities of his current existence. Hunger was a constant companion, a gnawing emptiness that never truly subsided.

As the day wore on, Maika wandered the streets, his gaze fixed on the ground, searching for discarded scraps. People hurried past, their lives a world away from his. He was invisible, a shadow in their bustling existence. He longed for a touch of kindness, a warm meal, a safe place to sleep. But the city offered little in the way of compassion.
