Today is my birthday and this is the first cake I have received in 15 years of living in a shelter

Sara Kome Mrs

Cosy was a shadow in the shelter, a gentle soul lost in a world of barking and jostling. Fifteen years had passed within these concrete walls, a lifetime for a dog. He remembered a time when he had a home, a family, but the memories were fading, like old photographs left out in the rain.

Today was different. A sense of anticipation, foreign to his world-weary heart, stirred within him. It was his birthday, a day marked by nothing but the ticking of the shelter clock and the distant barking of his canine companions. But something was in the air, a whisper of change, a promise of hope.

Then, it happened. A woman with kind eyes and a warm smile appeared in his kennel. She knelt, her hand outstretched. Cosy hesitated, his tail a hesitant thump. Fifteen years of solitude had made him wary of human touch. But something about her was different, a gentle aura that calmed his fears.

The next thing Cosy knew, he was in a car, the world rushing past in a blur of colors and sounds. He was scared, yet a flicker of hope ignited within him. This was it, a new beginning.

Hours later, he found himself in a house filled with unfamiliar scents. It was warm, inviting, and filled with a sense of peace. There were soft cushions, a big window overlooking a garden, and the gentle hum of human activity. A bowl of food was placed in front of him, and for the first time in years, he ate without fear.

Then came the surprise. A beautiful cake, adorned with dog-friendly treats, was placed in front of him. A chorus of “Happy Birthday” filled the room. Cosy looked at his new family, his tail thumping with joy. He was fifteen, yet it felt like he was celebrating his first birthday. A birthday filled with love, warmth, and the promise of a new beginning. As he took his first lick of the cake, he realized that life, even at fifteen, could still be filled with wonder.
