1-Pound Puppy On The Edge Makes Stunning Comeback After Neglect And Injury


All dogs come into the world with the right to be loved and cherished. They should never experience heartbreak and mistreatment.

A pregnant dog named Izzy found herself in a terrible situation after her coldhearted owner dumped her on the street.

The sorrowful canine sought refuge on someone’s property, where she gave birth to six puppies. Instead of showing Izzy much-needed empathy and help, people abused her and her babies.

Cody, one of Izzy’s puppies, was a victim of the abuse, and he sustained a head injury.

His mama became terrified and helpless. She hoped that good souls would extend them a helping hand and save her puppy’s life.

Rushing The Family To Safety

woman and stray black dog
Source: Rescue Row

The kind humans who discovered the desperate canine family reached out to Rescue Row, a non-profit organization based in Texas.

The rescuers arrived at the scene as fast as they could. They were overwhelmed with sadness after they saw the state that Izzy and her babies were in.

“Izzy is completely emaciated. She is rightfully afraid of people, and falls to her back as soon as she is approached. She is broken and mentally drained, but still sweet as ever. We can’t even begin to think about what she has been through,” Rescue Row wrote in a Facebook post.

Izzy and her puppies went to foster homes, where they received a ton of love.

Cody was in critical condition. The rescue team rushed him to Panther Creek Animal Hospital in Little Elm, Texas.

adorable baby dog
Source: Rescue Row

The four-week-old puppy was so weak that he could not hold his head up. He weighed only one pound.

Dr. Kim and the hospital staff provided him with urgent medical attention.

Since Cody felt good, he moved in with his foster family, who took excellent care of him. His foster mom gave him different fluids during the day. 

Fighting To Save Cody’s Life

puppy sleeping under blanket
Source: Rescue Row

Although Cody seemed to be getting better, a couple of days later, his condition worsened. He was barely breathing. 

Fearing for his life, the heartbroken rescuers quickly took him to see Dr. Kim again. Both the doctor and the staff fought for his life, refusing to give up on the little pooch. 

Cody was severely dehydrated, and the doctor hooked him on an IV drip. Luckily, the pup started feeling much better.

gray and white puppy
Source: Rescue Row

The furbaby spent five days at the hospital. Every night, Dr. Kim took him home to monitor his condition.

His foster family visited him every day. They felt relieved because the pup was doing well. 

Cody was making an effort to walk. Although he fell over many times, the puppy didn’t give up. 

Gradually, the furball started regaining his strength. He was able to stand and walk a little bit. Everyone was excited about his progress.

Finding His Much-Deserved Happy Ending

very sweet little puppy
Source: Rescue Row

Ten days after his rescue, the pup moved back to his foster home, where he was given a lot of love. 

His furry foster siblings offered him their support and affection. The brave pup felt loved. 

With every passing day, Cody’s condition improved, and he was able to walk more. He became interested in toys, and he started playing with them.

sweet dog sleeping with toys
Source: Rescue Row

Since Cody was blind in his right eye due to the trauma that he suffered, he underwent surgery and had his eye removed.

Fortunately, the surgery was a success, and the furball made a full recovery.

Cody captivated the hearts of Dr. Kim and his family. They became extremely attached to the brave puppy, and they gave him a forever home.

family and puppy
Source: Rescue Row

Cody was over the moon to start a new life with his humans. They adored him and showered him with the infinite love that the pooch deserved.

Izzy and all her children found their humans who promised to cherish them forever. Thanks to the wonderful people who rescued them, the canine family lives their best lives.
