It’s my birthday and I deserve to be loved, right?

Sara Kome Mrs

Hine was a shadow of her former self. A once vibrant, playful dog, she had been transformed by the cruelty of human hands. Abandoned and abused, she had found refuge on the streets, a solitary figure in a bustling world. Today, her birthday, was a stark reminder of the life she’d endured.

The scars, both physical and emotional, were a constant reminder of her past. There was the jagged scar on her ear, a testament to the violence she had suffered. But the deeper wounds were invisible, scars on her soul. Fear and distrust were her constant companions.

She longed for the simple touch of a human hand, the warmth of a kind word. But the world was a cold, indifferent place. People hurried past, their eyes fixed on the ground, oblivious to the life that existed at their feet. She was a ghost in the bustling city, a creature existing on the fringes of human life.

As the day wore on, a sense of despair washed over her. She sought solace in a quiet corner, a place where she could be alone with her thoughts. The city lights were a distant, cold beauty, offering no warmth or comfort. She curled into a ball, her body trembling from both physical and emotional pain. In the darkness, she dreamt of a world without fear, a world filled with love and kindness. But when she woke, reality was a harsh slap in the face.

Another day had passed, another birthday marked by solitude. Hine was a survivor, a creature defined by resilience. Yet, in the depths of her weary heart, a flicker of hope remained. Perhaps, just perhaps, one day, she would find the love and kindness she so desperately craved.
