Today is my birthday and also the day my parents abandoned me

Sara Kome Mrs

July was a name given with hopes and dreams. A name promising a lifetime of joy and companionship. But for the small puppy, his birthday was a stark contrast to the name’s cheerful connotations.

Today, the calendar flipped to a new day, marking the start of another year in July’s life. To a human, it was just another day, but for this small, furry creature, it was a day of anticipation. A day filled with the hope of celebration, of treats, and most importantly, of love.

Yet, as the sun climbed higher, casting long shadows across the empty park, July realized the harsh truth. There would be no joyous barks, no wagging tails in celebration. No one would sing him a happy birthday song, no one would offer him a special bone. There would be no warmth of a familiar hand, scratching behind his ears.

Abandoned on his birthday, the day that should have been a milestone was instead a stark reminder of his solitude. The world, once filled with the comforting sounds of his family, now echoed with an oppressive silence. His small heart, full of puppyhood exuberance, felt a pang of loneliness he couldn’t comprehend.

The day wore on, a slow, agonizing crawl. With each passing hour, hope dwindled. The once bright eyes, filled with a puppy’s boundless energy, now held a reflection of despair. The world, once a playground of endless possibilities, had transformed into a cold, indifferent expanse.

As the sun began its descent, casting the park in hues of orange and pink, July curled into a small, vulnerable ball. The day, once anticipated with such joy, ended in a profound sense of loss. But even in the depths of his sorrow, a flicker of hope remained. A hope for a tomorrow that would be kinder, a hope for a love that would find him.
