Today is my birthday and I miss my parents so much

Sara Kome Mrs

Honey didn’t know it was her birthday. She didn’t understand the concept of time, of years passing, of celebrations. All she knew was the gnawing hunger in her belly, the cold bite of the night, and the endless search for a warmth she couldn’t quite place.

Once, there had been warmth. A soft, comforting place filled with smells that made her tail wag uncontrollably. There were hands that scratched behind her ears, and a voice that cooed sweet nothings to her. She remembered a lap to curl up on, a chin to rest her head, and the feeling of being loved unconditionally. Those memories were as faint as the distant stars, but they were all she had.

Today, the world was a harsh, unforgiving place. The city, with its towering buildings and endless noise, was a jungle where she was a tiny, lost creature. She scavenged for scraps, her small body trembling in the cold. The other dogs were wary, their growls and snaps a constant reminder of her vulnerability.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the city, Honey found a sheltered spot beneath a discarded cardboard box. The world seemed quieter now, the harsh noises replaced by a soft rustling wind. She curled into a tight ball, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps.

In her dreams, she was back in the warm place. She was a puppy again, frolicking in a sunlit yard. She heard laughter, the sound of children’s voices, and the familiar cadence of her human’s voice. But the dreams were always interrupted by the harsh reality of her life.

She woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. The world was dark and cold. A pang of loneliness washed over her. She missed the warmth, the love, the safety. She whimpered softly, her tiny body shaking.

As she drifted back to sleep, she made a silent wish. She didn’t wish for food or shelter, though she desperately needed both. Her only wish was to find her way back to the warmth she remembered, to the people who loved her. And so, with a hopeful sigh, she closed her eyes, dreaming of a reunion that seemed impossibly far away.
