Hungry Puppy Rummaged Through An Abandoned House In Hopes Of Finding Some Food


After going through so many rescue stories, I thought I had experienced almost every kind of heartbreak.

However, no matter how many times I read them, I just can’t help but feel sadness when I see a puppy who is so hungry that he is trying to find food in the most unlikely places.

This doggo was no different. His struggles have gone on for long, and he was starving for a while. He found an old abandoned house nearby.

He must have assumed that there would be something to eat in the trash, but that was not the case. Luckily for him, a good person realized he was in trouble and came to his aid.

A Giant Heartbreak

puppy in the garbage
Source: Youtube

Just as a group of people were clearing out an abandoned house, one person noticed something odd. A Good Samaritan realized there was a puppy inside, and he was looking for food.

The poor pup must have spent hours trying to find something to eat in the trash but was unsuccessful. When the people were aware of him, one of them decided to help.

The man approached him slowly and realized that he was a bit scared as he didn’t know what his intentions were.

He eventually helped him settle down for a bit and started petting him. When the puppy was relaxed enough, the man took him to his car and drove to the nearest pet hospital.

puppy in box in the car
Source: Youtube

When they arrived, one of the workers took the puppy in immediately and gave him a nice bath. Now that he was completely clean, he looked so adorable.

They concluded that the puppy was around two months old and was in somewhat poor health due to malnutrition. The vets gave him his vaccinations and were now preparing some food.

After the vets determined his health was otherwise okay, they discharged the puppy. The man then went to a pet store with him.

He bought many toys, accessories, and food. When he was finished, the kind man took the sweet puppy back to his house.

The Puppy Is Changing So Much

puppy playing with ball at home
Source: Youtube

After they got there, the first thing he did was prepare a small place to sleep. The puppy looked so grateful to this person who saved his life.

After five days in the care of his new owner, this dog’s health improved dramatically. Not only is he a lot more energetic, but the puppy is also starting to play with his dad.

He never leaves his side and they always do things together. To make drives comfortable for the pup, the man installed a small bed in the car where he could enjoy the trips every time.

It’s really nice to see how they have become such amazing friends in such a short period of time.

puppy with cabbage
Source: Youtube

As time goes by, the puppy is getting better every day. He regained a lot of his weight and is also growing really fast.

His new owner noticed that he was becoming a lot more hyperactive this time around and realized that he was ready to play anytime.

The fear of meeting new people has also vanished. The pup loves meeting new people so long as his owner is around. It’s sweet to know he feels so secure around his favorite person.

This puppy has made a miraculous recovery in a very short time. He went from rummaging in trash for food to living in a warm home with his new dad. I am so glad things turned out so great for him.
