Today is my 9th birthday but it is also the day my parents want to put me in a shelter

Sara Kome Mrs

Hun was a nine-year-old Golden Retriever, a gentle giant with a heart full of love. He’d spent his entire life in the same home, a loyal companion to a family that once cherished him. Today, however, was a day of reckoning. It was his ninth birthday, a milestone that should have been marked with joy and celebration. Instead, it was the day his world was about to crumble.

The family had changed. Children had grown up, moved out. The once bustling house was now an echo chamber of silence. Hun, once the center of attention, had become an afterthought. His aging body, once full of boundless energy, was now a reminder of their own mortality.

The decision had been made. He was to be taken to the shelter, a place he knew nothing about. A pang of fear shot through him as he was loaded into the car. The familiar scent of home was replaced by the unfamiliar smells of the outside world. The once comforting rhythm of family life was replaced by the jarring noises of the city.

As the car pulled up to the shelter, Hun’s heart sank. The barking, the smell of other dogs, the cold, sterile environment – it was a world away from the life he knew. His family, once his everything, was now a distant memory. He looked back at the car, a silent plea in his eyes. But they were gone, disappearing into the distance.

His ninth birthday, a day that should have been filled with love and celebration, had turned into a nightmare. He was alone, scared, and confused. The world he knew had shattered, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty. As the shelter doors closed behind him, he let out a mournful howl, a sound filled with grief and despair.

His birthday wish, once filled with the simple desire for a belly rub or a playful game, had transformed into a desperate plea to stay with his family. But the world was indifferent to his wishes, and he was left to face the harsh reality of his new life.
