Dog Didn’t Want To Leave Daycare Because Of The Most Wonderful Reason


Leaving a pet at the daycare can have many benefits. Besides the fact that the owner has more time for work and his other obligations, it is also good for the dog because he can meet other canines and play with them, which is also great mental stimulation. 

Yet, when the owner comes to pick up the dog, no matter how good the time was, almost every pup ​​will start wagging his tail when he sees his favorite person and realizes that he is going to his favorite place – home. 

However, sometimes, this is not the case, and one owner saw this best when his dog did not want to leave the doggy daycare. The reason for that was truly wonderful. 

Love At First Paw

When Andy Hunt came to pick up his Pyrenees and Golden Retriever mix from the doggy daycare one day, he was up for a surprise. Namely, his beloved pet wasn’t interested in leaving the place. 

Under the name, Mysterious-Cat-3312, Andy shared some photos on Reddit that best showed why his dog, Rainbow, didn’t want to go home at that moment. 

“The day my dog didn’t want to leave daycare,” he wrote in the caption and presented the photos right below.

photo of two dogs cuddling
Source: Reddit

Rainbow befriended another canine at the daycare and their friendship soon emerged into something even more special. That can clearly be seen in the way these two caressed each other. 

While one dog keeps its paw on her leg, the other dog rests its chin on his head. Such an intimate relationship cannot be the result of chance but of love at first sight, that is, at first paw

two dogs lying next to each other
Source: Reddit

Although he may have been angry with Rainbow at first, this man must have quickly changed his mind when he saw the wonderful reason why he couldn’t go home right away. 

You don’t see this kind of love every day.

Amazing Reactions

Andy expected that these photos would attract a lot of attention on Reddit, but he couldn’t even dream that it would be to this extent. 

There were numerous reactions that were mostly positive, and we highlighted a few comments. 

“they looked so much like a couple in love. Damn,” one user wrote. 

“He found his second family lol,” another added. 

And the third quipped: “Married and everything already”

Although this moment is beautiful in itself, we hope that this love story will continue and that we will soon see new romantic pictures of these two dogs on Reddit again.
