Dog Steals The Show During A Graduation Ceremony


Graduation is one of those big life moments that stays in everyone’s heart forever. 

It’s a crossing ceremony, after which, we should start acting like adults.

I’m pawsitive that all of us remember the excitement of finishing high school and thinking what to do with our own life, or which school to pick up next. There’s always something that makes graduations so memorable.

Well, the class of 2022, of Horseshoe Bend School, in Alabama, sure will remember their graduation forever, all thanks to Charlie.

No, Charlie was not a student there, although he did study a lot with his buddy. 

Charlie is a goofball that stole the graduation show, put the valedictorian speech in the shadows, and helped this generation of students become memorable forever. 

I’m Here To Steal The Show

Dog sitting next to brick wall
Source: The Dodo

Logan Branch was super excited about his graduation ceremony. Finally, the end to all high school troubles had come. The future was bright, and Logan couldn’t wait to snatch it. 

It’s not that his high school years weren’t good. They were typical school years, filled with pop quizzes, homework, and hanging out with friends. 

Hold on, I think we’re forgetting something… or someone?

Logan’s life, as well as the lives of his high school friends was a bit better, thanks to a four-legged friend that used to come by and say hi.

Charlie is Logan’s dog, but that didn’t stop him from coming to school and sniffing around anytime he wanted. All the students got to know him and he quickly became a favorite. 

“Everyone at the school knows he’s my dog”, said Logan.

With the graduation ceremony of Horseshoe Bend School, in Alabama, fast approaching, Charlie knew he had to be there no matter what his owner said. After all, he did spend quite some time at the school himself. Doesn’t Charlie get a degree, too?

“Nobody had any clue at all that he would be there,” Branch said. “He came inside the gate and just surprised all of us.”

But, making an appearance wasn’t Charlie’s only intention. He had to spice things up since the speeches were too long and too dull. 

Guess the decoration wasn’t Charlie’s cup of tea because he had quite an opinion about those decorative ferns. 

Right in the middle of the ceremony, after some sniffing around, Charlie came right to one of the ferns and relieved himself. 

Dog sitting in front of graduation students
Source: The Dodo

That fern probably needed someone to water it, and since Charlie was there… simple dog math says it’s the only logical thing to do.

“As soon as we saw him walk to the plant, we all knew what was about to happen so we couldn’t help but all laugh,” Branch said.

Then, he walked away as nothing happened,… as if he was saying: 

So what? I peed on the bush… not a big deal. Can someone wrap this up, please? We have after -graduation party plans. Geez…

Needless to say, Charlie made everyone laugh.

And, someone embarrassed, too…

man laughing at the dog
Source: The Dodo

Charlie’s owner turned red, but he couldn’t hold it against Charlie. 

“He just loves attention and being around people,” Logan said.

Oh, you just wait, Logan! Wait til you see what Charlie has planned for your college graduation!
