Sheriff Ran Into A Cute Little Family On The Road – “It Was Like Watching A Cartoon”


Police officers encounter various situations on the street every day. They are often unpredictable and dangerous and require maximum readiness and endurance.

Yet, just like any other person, people in uniform can sometimes stumble upon some specific situations whose main actors are oftentimes quite hilarious. 

This is exactly what happened to Baker County Sheriff, Travis Ash, one day when a cute little family forced him to stop his police vehicle on the road in Oregon. 

This police officer will definitely remember the specific act they performed for the rest of his life. 

A Mother And Her Babies

skunks on the road
Source: Baker County Sheriff’s Office

“You never know what you’ll encounter while on patrol,” Baker County Sheriff’s Office wrote in their Facebook post. 

That is the best description of the situation in which Officer Travis Ash found himself that day while driving through the streets of Oregon.

Just as he was about to increase his speed a little, he had to put on the brakes because a group of skunks got in his way

It was an adorable little family – a mother and her babies. However, among the little ones, there were also a few laggards that mom had to “discipline.”

“[Sheriff Ash] noticed the mama was desperately trying to wrangle them,” Ashley McClay, of the Baker County Sheriff’s Office, told The Dodo. “It appeared these were some unruly babies.”

At that very moment, they did something that surprised this police officer but also made him smile. 

Their Hilarious Antics

skunk laying on the road
Source: Baker County Sheriff’s Office

When the mother skunk noticed that she and her children were a hindrance on the road, she seemed to call them all to her and gather them together.

Immediately after that, gathered in a circle, spinning around their axis, they began to move toward the side of the road until they reached safety.

Although the sheriff was delighted with Mom’s watchful dedication, he was even more surprised by what he had just seen. Still, it brought a big smile to his face.

“[We’re] used to seeing a variety of wildlife in rural, eastern Oregon. But I wasn’t prepared for how hilarious their antics were,” Ash told The Dodo. “It was like watching a cartoon. She definitely wins the ‘Mother of the Year’ award!”

Luckily, Ash was able to record this hilarious scene and share it with people across the country. It was another successfully completed police mission!
