How Much Does Great Dane Cost? Breaking Down The Costs


One of the first questions all future dog owners ask is how much is the dog they want going to cost. No wonder future Great Dane owners ask the same: How much does a Great Dane cost?

The Great Dane is a special, giant breed, and, surprise, surprise, they cost more than standard breeds like Poodles, German Shepherds, or Golden Retrievers.

Today, we’re going to break down all the costs involved in having a Great Dane puppy – from buying it to its upbringing.

Get your wallets ready and your eyes wide open to answer the question, how much does a Great Dane cost?

How Much Is A Great Dane Puppy?

Beautiful Great Dane puppy

The Great Dane is not a Mastiff breed (even though you perhaps thought they were). These are hunting dogs with serious appearances and soft hearts. Also, they’re one of the kindest family dogs ever.

But, how much does a Great Dane cost? Are American and European versions the same? Do I need a fortune to own one of these giant babies?

A Great Dane purchased from a responsible quality breeder costs between $1,700–$3,000. The price is higher because of the extreme emphasis on the care of breeding to avoid potential health issues and after-birth care.

Compare it to the Great Dane puppies adopted from a shelter, and you’ll see the difference in cost is massive – shelter puppies cost between $300–$400.

This is only an average number you can expect to pay for a Great Dane. However, this is only the start. From veterinary care, food, bedding, toys, etc., the costs can skyrocket.

If you take into consideration the breed’s usual health problems like hip dysplasia, bloat, or other medical costs, you’ll see why it’s important to know all potential costs before buying or adopting a Great Dane.

Are Great Danes Expensive? The Initial Costs

Great dane in beautiful landscapes

The Great Dane is one of the best dogs you can get, but don’t let the cost scare you off. The first thing you need to do is decide whether you want to buy from a breeder or adopt from a shelter. Both cases have advantages and disadvantages.

There are truly great dog breeders out there who care for their dogs, not only for the sake of profit. If you want dogs with papers, you’ll need to give them more “green papers.” Being certain of the dog’s health and temperament is impossible, but we can know all about the dog’s lineage.

Bear in mind there are differences between show quality dogs and pet quality dogs. The biggest difference is, of course, the price.

The initial price range for a purebred Great Dane puppy from a breeder is anywhere between $800–$3,000. However, Great Dane puppies at the bottom of this range have a bigger chance of being unethically bred.

Quality breeders charge more. Their price range falls from $1,700– $3,000!

There’s absolutely no difference in the price between male vs. female Great Dane. They both cost the same. There is another factor we’ll discuss that affects our inquiry: how much does a Great Dane cost?

If these numbers are too much for you, then you should check out a non-registered breeder that practices ethical breeding or maybe shelters and other organizations. If the breeder is a member of the American Kennel Club (AKC), there’s nothing to worry about.

Just make sure you check out screening results and ask for transparency.

Depending on where you’re located, you might be able to find a Great Dane in your local shelter or adoption agency. The Great Dane Club of America has a listing of their rescue committee members by state, so it wouldn’t hurt to check them out.

A vast majority of shelter dogs are true sweethearts that need a forever home.

Adoption fees will be significantly less expensive than breeders’ prices. You can expect to pay anywhere from $300–$400 for a purebred Great Dane puppy under the age of six months.

The only risk with adoption is getting a pup with unknown health issues because it’s difficult to trace the dog’s lineage.

The third option is quite popular, but we don’t recommend it. Retail pet stores are also the most expensive places to get a Great Dane puppy. First, the pet store has to purchase the dog from a breeder, which means they will have to charge you more to earn a profit. You can expect to pay at least $2,000 for a retail-store bought Great Dane.

The only way this is acceptable is if there’s absolutely no chance of getting a Great Dane puppy or a grown dog anywhere around you. But, what are the chances that will happen? A Great Dane puppy will always pop up on the radar eventually.

Also, retail stores aren’t the best environment for dogs. They’re stressful and can expose the dogs to numerous diseases because of all the other animals these dogs come in contact with.

These stores don’t usually buy from reputable breeders. It’s devastating to learn that a high number of these dogs come from puppy mills. Puppy mills should be stopped, but let’s not go there today.

Reputable breeders always have answers to your questions about the dog’s parents, their health problems, the environment in which the dogs were kept, etc.

That’s why buying from a breeder could be the best choice if you want a dog with a 100% clear background story. If you are located in Ontario or anywhere nearby, take a look at our list of reputable Great Dane breeders in this area. Also, we have listed the most reputable and reliable Great Dane breeders in the UK area!

Veterinary Care: How Much Does A Great Dane Cost?

Great Dane by the sea


If you’re wondering, how much does a Great Dane cost? as well as what the additional vet costs are, we’re here to set you at ease. Sure, the costs are numerous, but they’re not that big considering that you’re doing something to improve your dog’s health. Your Great Dane puppy will need a number of vaccines. The DHLPP should cost anywhere from $25 to $50, depending on where you live.

The Bordetella vaccine is around $12 to $35. The rabies shot they get around their first birthday is $9 to $40. Other vaccines like those that prevent heartworms, fecal treatments, and flea treatments cost $10 to $100 each.

Prepare a vaccination and preventative treatment budget at around $125 to $480, again, depending on your location.

Spaying or neutering

Many Humane Societies and other low-cost clinics offer affordable spay and neuter services. However, since the Great Dane is a large dog, you should expect to pay more for these procedures because of their size and weight. It’s not the same to give anesthesia to a small dog and a big dog.

A neuter operation will usually cost between $125–$400 for a Great Dane. Spaying costs a bit more since it’s more complex. It should cost you anywhere between $200 to $600.

Of course, if you love Great Danes so much, you can always skip the spaying and neutering and get yourself involved in the breeding industry. However, you should do this only if you plan on being responsible.

If your Great Dane male impregnates another dog, that can be a litter of puppies potentially destined for euthanasia.

Also, if your female gets impregnated with another dog breed, the resulting puppies may not be what you were hoping for. They won’t be considered purebred Great Danes.

Yearly Check-ups

Regular vet check-ups are mandatory. One routine visit to the vet’s office can cost you between $20 to $75. Meaning, it’s not expensive to have your dog checked by the vet once a year.

Puppyhood is a more complex period when the dog needs vaccinations and regular check-ups.

All in all, these prices are ridiculous if you think of how many potential health problems your gentle giant may face. Regular vet visits help discover all possible illnesses.

Health concerns

Here are some common vet costs associated with the Great Dane breed:

• Antibiotics can cost anywhere from $10–$200.

• Ear Infection, between $15–$75.

• X-rays run $50–$200.

These aren’t that expensive, but there are health conditions, usually those that large breeds are prone to, that require a more serious approach. Bloat, torsion, or GDV requires surgery that can cost between $1,000 to $5,000!

A surgical procedure called gastropexy can be performed to reduce the chance of your giant dog getting bloated. Gastropexy can cost around $500, but the cost can be reduced if you perform another procedure at the same time, like spaying or neutering.

The other health issues that you may encounter with your Great Dane are hip dysplasia and cardiomyopathy. Hip dysplasia can easily be detected during preventative vet visits. If you catch it early, there’s a big chance your dog will lead a normal life without pain.

As for the cardiomyopathy, it happens because the Great Dane’s heart is just too big. An enlarged heart is dangerous, but it can be treated with medications. However, those meds can cost a pretty penny, from $500 to $1,500 a month!

Health concerns are the biggest part of the cost of a Great Dane. The medical bills can stack up. That’s why getting your Great Dane some pet insurance wouldn’t be such a bad decision.

How Much Does It Cost To Feed A Great Dane?

black and white Great Dane

These terrible medical conditions can be avoided with proper health care, as well as proper dog food. What if we told you your Great Dane’s lifespan could be improved with a great choice of puppy food?

Great Danes have a short lifespan of only eight to ten years! Spending a little extra on your dog’s food will benefit you both, even if you’re losing money! Your dog will be healthier, and you’ll be happier for it.

Dogs grow fast, no matter the dog breed. But, for Great Danes, it means adding more bone and muscle mass in a very short time period. This is exactly why conditions like hip dysplasia strike Great Danes the most.

Your dog’s food should be specifically designed to meet their growth needs. It will also give them a chance to avoid potential joint problems.

The average monthly cost for a nice bag of dog food is around $70 to $100.

Maybe even consider investing in some less-known dog food producers who use quality ingredients and claim their food is 100% organic and tested. Dogs can’t eat just anything or your food scraps. There’s a list of human food that’s acceptable for dogs from time to time, but don’t go overboard with it.

Take a look at it:


• Artichokes

• Plantains

• Sour cream

• Edamame

• Basil


• Hummus

• Paprika

• Peppers

• Jalapenos

• Poppy seeds

Read More: Great Dane Feeding Chart

How Much Is Great Dane Dog Gear?

beautiful great dane dog standing on the grass

Photo from:@great_danelove

When it comes to answering the question, how much does a Great Dane cost? we need to bear in mind other additional factors that affect the price of the dog’s upbringing. Starting off with your new puppy can be lots of fun. You know your pooch needs some things that may sound like a luxury, but they’re 100% needed? Yes, we’re talking about a comfy dog bed, fun toys, and useful bowls.

You should have a budget for such things. For example, toys can be as cheap as $1, but they can be pricey too. You could also change all sorts of toys, from plush to chew ones, to figure out what your dog likes best. Amazon has a bunch of cool ones for every dog’s taste.

As for food and water bowls, they can go as low as $10 but also pretty ridiculously expensive. Just get anything that’s big enough for your doggo!

What most owners forget about is including grooming supplies into the final bill. They run between $40 to $100, depending on whether you want natural shampoos and top-notch brushes.

Dog crates and bedding are something you need to invest in because these dogs are huge!

There are cheap options, but a dog bed isn’t something you should skimp on. A good dog bed runs from $150 to $300. Bedding isn’t too expensive either; you can find some nice ones under $100.

When it comes to dog gear, you can go as nuts as you want and spoil your puppy or keep it low-profile.

Price Of A Great Dane: Miscellaneous Costs

Female Harlequin Great Dane

When it comes to boarding giant breeds, there is some conflicting information out there. Most of the final cost will depend on your location and the service you choose, not so much on the dog breed. A dog’s size matters in some rare cases, for example, if you put your dog in a luxurious pet resort.

On average, a pet daycare center will cost you from $25 to $50 a night. Daycare is cheaper and usually costs 50% to 60% less.

Pet sitters should be chosen carefully, just like the breeders.

As for the other initial costs, they usually include licensing, which can be anywhere from $9 to $30, depending on your location. Other costs may include trips to the groomer’s, dog training lessons like obedience training classes, which can cost around $200 to $500 for an 8-week course.

How Expensive Is A Great Dane? Factors That Affect The Price

Most dog breeds vary in price, but Great Danes vary the most. There are several reasons why a Great Dane’s price may be different. Let’s hear them out and, depending on location, answer our question of, how much does a Great Dane cost?


Great Dane standing in front of vegetation

It’s absolutely normal that prices vary from one metropolitan area to another. Even coffee doesn’t cost the same in New York and Los Angeles!

The same principles apply to Great Dane prices. Breeders, retailers, and rescue centers operating in places where living is more expensive will charge more for their puppies.

There’s really nothing you can do about it but to try looking for more affordable breeders elsewhere. However, with additional gas or shipping costs, picking up a Great Dane puppy from the other side of the country won’t save you much money.


Most future dog owners want to buy a new dog when they’re around 8 to 12 weeks old. This is exactly why many dog breeders charge more for this age range. Still, they get to sell them rather quickly. Sometimes, when the puppies don’t get sold, most breeders and retailers will have to spend more money on the dog’s care, making the puppies less valuable to them.

The result is often slashing the price for dogs that are four months or older. So, if getting a young puppy at all costs isn’t what you want, look around. You can save some cash by buying an older puppy.


To say a dog has or has no quality is ridiculous. All dogs have quality, even those unfortunate stray dogs. Simply put, there’s no such thing as “low-quality” dogs.

Still some dogs are more in demand than others, and breeders have seized the opportunity to charge more for such dogs. Sometimes the differences in a dog’s lineage, size, colors, or patterns affect the price. Black, blue, fawn, brindle, harlequin, mantle, and merle are the seven colors these dogs come in, and they are huge factors why some prices are higher than others.

What’s important here is to know what kind of dog you want. Do you want a show dog or simply a loving family member? The price will, naturally, say a lot about that.

Where Can I Get a Great Dane Puppy?

Great Dane Puppy on green grass

If you have a chance and the funds to get your Great Dane from an ethical and responsible breeder, then, by all means, do it. You’ll get the chance to meet the dog’s parents and see how your puppy might turn out. Also, you’ll be able to pick your new BFF from the litter.

There are plenty of dog breeders online, so just go ahead and Google some in your area. Keep in mind all the traits a reputable breeder must have to avoid getting scammed or buying from a breeder who cares only about the money, not the puppies.

If you need to find a Great Dane puppy at a more affordable price, your best decision will be to visit a shelter or rescue organization. There might not be Great Dane organizations in your area, so check out if maybe some of the local places have one or two Great Danes with them.

These are the most popular Great Dane rescue organizations in the United States:

• Great Dane Rescue Inc. (Various geographic areas)

• Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue (Ohio)

• Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue

• Upper Midwest Great Dane Rescue

• Great Dane Rescue of the Carolinas

• The Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League, Inc.

• Great Dane Rescue of Minnesota & Wisconsin

• Northwest Florida Great Dane Rescue

• Great Dane Rescue of North Texas

• Great Dane Rescue of New England

• Great Dane Rescue of the Commonwealth (Virginia)

• California Great Dane Rescue

• Southwest Great Dane Rescue

• MAGDRL Great Dane Rescue – Pennsylvania and Delaware Chapter

• Great Dane Rescue Alliance (East Coast)

So, How Much Does A Great Dane Cost Per Year?

Harlequin Great Dane laying on ground

The costs of having a Great Dane puppy quickly add up. There’s the initial purchase or adoption fee, the veterinary care, quality food, pet supplies, transportation costs, etc.

Early and late puppyhood are probably the worst times for your wallet. You’ll need to pay for vaccines as well as spaying or neutering if you choose. So, yes, the first two years can be bumpy in every possible way.

In the end, how much does a Great Dane cost?

Experts estimate that the average cost of raising a healthy Great Dane in their first two years is from $3,000 to $10,000. Of course, the cost depends on any additional health issues and the area you live.

These aren’t cheap dogs to begin with, but every happy moment spent with them is truly worth every sacrifice.

Read Next:
• Great Dane Ear Cropping: Why (Not) Do It?

• Top 6 Harlequin Great Dane Breeders That Don’t Joke

How Much Does Great Dane Cost Breaking Down The Costs
